Praise Him!

Psalm 80:1

I love the Psalms, and it would be hard for me to pick out one that is a favorite, but there is one that has been special to me through many, many years. As a young girl I learned a song with these words and I've sung it repeatedly to myself throughout my lifetime, and I think of it so often when I think about God and His greatness.

The Psalm I'm speaking of is Psalm 80, where David wrote "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations." What a wonderful thought it is to think that we would be singing God's praises so much that the knowledge of Him and His goodness and His greatness would be passed on to our children, they would hear it, and be passed down to their children and so on down through the generations.

My Sunday school teacher said last week, "you know, we just don't praise as often as we ought to." And he was talking not only about praising God, but praising others around us. I've been thinking about that all week. I'm wondering - just how much am I praising? I can praise God for His goodness, for His holiness, for His faithfulness, for the beauty of creation, and on and on. I can also praise Him for those He brings into my life who help me deal with everyday problems, and those just to fill my life with joy. And, I need to tell them and praise them for the goodness that they display as well.

I encourage you, my friend, to think about praising. Think first about praising God, then about praising others for the good things that are going on in your life. Not only will it help them, but it will help lift your sprits as well. Praise God - for He is worthy of all praise!

By Dr. Ann Shorb

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