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My Spiritual Journal

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105

Each day for several weeks, fill out one of these pages. Keep a record of the things God impresses on your heart in any one of these areas. Some days you may fill in many areas. Other days He may only speak to you through one or two means.  Listen carefully as He speaks to you. Then prayerfully review the journal as a whole.

Date ________________________________

1. What did God say to me today through His Word?

Passage read: 





2. What did God say to me today through prayer?





3. What did God say to me today through my thoughts and desires and circumstances?





4. What did God say to me today through other mature believers (In person, by means of radio, TV, books, or tapes)?





5. Did God speak to me through any other means today?  How?  What did He say?





Christian Counseling & Educational Services PO Box 1343, Hanover PA 17331     717-630-2255

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