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What Do You Know About Sexual Addiction?

If you're struggling with sexual addiction, please see our information on counseling for sexual addiction recovery and sexual addiction statistics.

Sexual Addiction is Bondage

Sexual addiction is the plague of the American society today. It is in every community, every level of society, every ethnic group, and every church. Sadly, the Internet has brought the availability of pornography with all of its woes into nearly all of the homes in our country. It's in our schools and in our libraries, too. Dr. James Dobson has said, "Pornography use is at epidemic proportions in our country."

Sexual addiction knows no boundaries. Business men and women, educators, and students, housewives, pastors and missionaries all have the potential to fall into this devastating trap.

This horrible bondage is progressive in nature. It often starts out with a quick peek at a visual image, but over time it requires more and more intense stimulation to satisfy its veracious appetite. Because of the way pornography effects the brain, it is actually more addictive than cocaine. Ultimately, like alcoholism, sexual addiction will lead to two places -- jail or death. The death can be relational, emotional, spiritual, financial, and sometimes even physical.

Do You Know...

- Three out of every ten men struggle with sexual addiction or compulsive pornography use?

- For nearly every man who struggles, a wife and children are miserably, constantly affected by his addiction?

- Sexual addiction tends to pass down through generations?

- The average age of the initial exposure to pornography is now nine years old?

- Women can be sexually addicted, too?

Do I Have An Addiction?

- I look at pornographic materials (magazines, videos, books, Internet, television, even clothing catalogs).

- My mind is consumed with sexual thoughts.

- I frequently have mood swings before and after sex.

- I often use sex as a means of escape, tension release, or stress reduction.

- I've tried to stop or even limit my inappropriate sexual behaviors, but keep going back to them.

- My sexual habits cost me time with my family.

- Even though I have sexual relations with my spouse, I still act out alone or with others.

- I have intense feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness.

- I fear rejection and abandonment.

- I struggle with feelings of loneliness, depression, and despair.

- I think that sex equals love and love equals sex.

- I spend a good deal of time in chat rooms.

- Secretly I get up at night to watch television or movies, or go online.

- I change from one relationship to another often.

Help and Hope Are Available

When God made Adam and Eve He designed them to desire relationships with Himself and each other. Sadly, when they sinned, they lost that perfect intimacy with their Creator and with one another. Fantasy, pornography, and sexual affairs are all unsuccessful attempts at finding intimacy. They leave the individual feeling helpless, worthless, and even more lonely.

In His great love and mercy, God made a way for each one of us to find true intimacy with Himself through Jesus Christ. By His power the wounded spirit can heal and the lonely heart can find hope. Recovery from sexual addiction is a process and it takes time, but it is possible. God longs to clean out the stash of painful memories, heal the wounded spirit, and break the chains of bondage to lust and sexually addictive behaviors.

God also hears the cries of wounded spouses and children. They, too, have lived in bondage for they have been emotionally neglected and often verbally and/or physically abused by the addict. The wife must also learn to break unhealthy relationship patterns and find strength and comfort in God before the couple can develop a healthy relationship.

Schedule an Appointment Today

We are a team of experienced counselors that are here to help you. Our staff has a diverse set of abilities and specialties in order to assist clients with a wide variety of needs. To schedule an appointment or to get more information, please call our Hanover, PA office at 717.630.2255. (Learn more about our Christian counseling services).


Suggested Reading:

CCES does not necessarily endorse all comments by the authors. These materials are not intended to be a substitute for professional counseling; therefore, CCES is not to be held liable for any event that transpires as a result of reading these materials.

For Men and Women with Sexual Addiction . . .

At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry
by Steve Gallagher

Don't Call It Love
by Patrick Carnes

Every Man's Battle
by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stocker

Every Woman's Battle
by Shannon Ethridge

Faithful and True
by Mark Laaser

Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addition
by Mark Laaser

Pornography Trap: Setting Pastors & Laypersons Free From Sexual Addiction
by Ralph H. Earle and Mark Laaser

For Wives . . .

When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart
by Kathy Gallagher

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